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Project for Expansion of Chemical Substances Registration System and Promotion of Relevant Affairs (2020)

The project period dates from 10th March to 31st December, 2020. The main tasks include maintenance and optimization of the Chemical Substances Registration System, providing administrative and technical supports as well as counseling for the registrants, and sustaining the “single window” for registration cross-ministerial operation. The main accomplishments of this project are accordingly described as follows:  Maintenance and optimization of the Chemical Substances Registration System Two updated versions of the IT tool CHEMIST-PEC have been released during the year. Meanwhile, a whole new version of the IT tool, containing more than 3000 data fields, with intergraded functions of new and existing chemical registration has been constructed. The internal testing of this brand-new version is estimated to complete in late 2020. The annual report online system has been operated with stability under the system stress of 5,000 simultaneous online users. The statistical analysis has been conducted, and the suggested registrant list for post market surveillance (with practical audit actions), joint-registration communication platform analysis, as well as the advice, have been provided. Also, after analyzing the annual report data and industrial information, a brief overview of registrants and the industries has been proposed.  Providing administrative and technical supports as well as counseling for the industries: A total of 4,370 dossiers (containing 12,237 chemical substances) have been reviewed during the year. The dossier number of all registration types has increased from last year. Frequent and comprehensive counseling for supplementation upon the registrants has led to the record-low rejection rate and 100% permission of new chemical substance standard registration. Also, as a result of massive reminder policy, the completion rates of annual report have achieved 100% for new chemical substances and 99.6% for existing chemical substances.  Sustaining the “signal window” for registration cross-ministerial operation: The dossier review collaboration as well as communication with OSHA went smoothly. For maintaining the Taiwanese Chemical Substance Inventory (TCSI), 219 applications have been received and further sent to relevant authorities.
Chemical Substances Management, Administrative Support, Chemical Substances Registration Platform Website